

A Study of Market Scale and Share Estimation Methodology on Effective Feasibility Analysis of IT R&D Program Using Fuzzy & Big Data




Standardizing the various benefits and performance features of the different government R&D programs is difficult. This is largely because each of them involves a wide variety of necessary research. In order to minimize benefit distinctions—the difference in benefit between the proposal and the alternative--the OECD benefit assessment report was examined. Associated Research results and benefit distinctions from preliminary feasibility data were also used to draw benefit estimation hindrance factors. Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to identify the relative importance rank of benefit estimation hindrance factors. If Independence between benefit estimation hindrance factors fails to satisfy the evaluation criteria then, a model based on the fuzzy measure is applied. This is for drawing optimal evaluation results, In order to know the correlation between benefit distinctions and benefit estimation hindrance factors ordered digit model is utilized. The application of big data technique is used as a means to collect extensive trend data and adequately capture technology trends. In this paper, the R&D program related to Information Technology was classified into four categories (First-mover, Catch-up, Data existence). Finally a methodology for extracting a relevant market scale and a market share data is proposed.


 1. Background
 2. Preceding Researches and Factors Causing Benefit Distinctions
  2.1. OECD Case Analysis
  2.2. Existing Researches
  2.3. The Case of Preliminary Feasibility Analysis
  2.4. AHP and Utilization of Fuzzy Measurement
  2.5. Utilizing Big Data Technique
 3. Benefits Estimation Hindrance Factor Analysis Methods
  3.1. Deduction of Benefits Estimation Hindrance Factors
  3.2. Deduction of the Degree of Importance and Repetition of Benefits Estimation Hindrance Factors
  3.3. Analysis of the Relationship between Benefits Estimation Hindrance Factors and Benefits Gap Generating Factors
 4. Assessment of Market Size, Market Share Rate or the IT Department
  4.1. Assessment Methods of Market Size, Market Share Rate
  4.2. Utilization of Big Data
 5. Application on the Improvement Plan
 6. Conclusions


  • Jae Hyuk Cho Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning


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