

최인호의 『별들의 고향』에 나타난 미학적 정치성 연구


A Study on Aesthetic Politics of Choi In-ho’s The Hometown of Star


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper studied Choi In-ho’s The Hometown of Stars based on viewpoint that literature is composed within the contemporary social context. Looking at The Terrifying Many(1972) as a metafiction, Choi In-ho pursued ‘pure novel writing’ as an antithetical to ideological literature. The postideological literary sense allows Choi In-ho to have literary freedom to write various types of writings. It is understandable that Choi In-ho was able to write a popular newspaper novel in a serious age. The Hometown of Stars(1972) was a novel that filled with public anxieties while ignoring social problems in the era when Park Chung-hee began to wrestle to the public. This feature is noteworthy in terms of aesthetic politics, in that the contemporary public were able to move away from oppressive social order and to live an independent life. In the early 1970s, the landscape of Korean society is scene that became a ‘literary boy and girl’, reading The Hometown of Stars and enjoying ordinary life. Therefore, it can be said that The Hometown of the Stars of the 1970s existed as a political text in which literature intervened politically as literature itself and distribute the sensible.


I. 1970년대 문학과 정치성의 문제
 II. 메타소설 무서운 복수 에 나타난 최인호의 소설적 지향
 III. 1970년대『별들의고향』의 대중문화 현상과 미학적 정치성
 IV. 결론을 대신하여


  • 심재욱 Sim, Jae-uk. 강원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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