

염상섭의 『미망인』 연구 - 종결어미 이외의 종결 표현을 중심으로 -


A Study on Yeom Sang Sub’ novel, the 『Widow』


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper was written to reevaluate Yeom Sang - Sup’s newspaper serial novel 『Widow』. In most of the previous studies, this work was regarded as a failure in the newspaper series. However, the existing evaluation that the problem of the widow was not dealt with in depth was the result of an analysis outside the work. It was not a research result that originated from the inside of the work. In this paper, I tried to reevaluate 『Widow』 by analyzing conflicts, character types, generation conflicts, and writers’ intentions, which are constitutive elements of works not covered by existing achievements. As a result of analyzing his work, the following extraordinary points were pointed out in 『Widow』. First, interest and tension were weak in the discourse of marriage disorder, which is the main conflict factor of the main characters. It can be analyzed as a characteristic of the composition by referring to how the pursuit of the intention of the writer’s works. Second, the reevaluation factor of 『Widow』 is the character of widow type. Widow types are classified as indivisible and obedient Third, although there are a lot of person conflicts and generation conflicts which obstruct the romance of the main characters in the work, the interest factor is weakly written. Based on these research results, the reevaluated 『Widow』 was not popular. It is due to the problems of typical character personality, the omission of excessive composition, and the shaping of the true intention of the author. In addition, since this work, the aspect of the conflict of the composition of the novels has weakened, and concessions and non-aggressiveness of the early generations have appeared in the works. These results were made under the intention of the writer, which can be evaluated as a characteristic of the writer’s later novels.


I. 들어가는 글
 II. 구성의 특성과 갈등의 약화
 III. 미망인 인물유형의 의미
 IV. 작가의 의도와 한계
 V. 맺는 말


  • 김정진 Kim Jung-Jin. 세명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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