

박용래 시에 나타나는 소외의 공간과 시적 주체의 시선


Alienated Space and Gaze of Poetic Subject Exposed by Poems of Park Yongnae


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As for poems of Park Yongnae, alienated space is closely associated with gaze of poetic subject to stare at alienated beings. Park Yongnae tried to perceive and overcome ‘emptiness’ at the same time by extending ‘a long’ distance between ego and reality. In front of history’s ordeal of colonial reality and the reality of national division, the poet came to have fundamental sense of alienation. He perceived through a life of poverty that huge nonegos of industrial society and capital cause alienation and objectively gazed at poor people’s lives. The speaker’s gaze at alienated space expanded to spirit of the age and recognition of the world. In respect of poetry, sense of alienation does not collide with real world, but rather becomes a poetic device to embrace the reality. Park Yongnae takes a poetic attitude to silently gaze at objects found at the alienated space. Park Yongnae displays his contemplative awareness to figure out the essence of the objects, starting from observing them. Never stopping as a observer of landscape, his awareness reaches the origin of the landscape. After following the awareness to silently gaze at the nature, will to endure time of alienation is captured. The reason that peoms of Park Yongnae describe transcendence and futility but not end up at frustration is because he holds fast his contemplative awareness to embrace the nature and the reality which are given to the objects by keeping the poetic distance. Park Yongnae minimalizes intervention of a speaker and composes poems with images of objects. Objects of poetry keep each independence and have horizontal relation with their own images. By means of blocking fixed meanings brought from one-sided staring, highlighting relation of objects, and describing images in harmony, the relation of the object creates its meaning. It was revealed that his endemic local features and pastoralness which have been evaluated is the poet’s will to endure time of alienation by capturing ordinary and fundamental relation. His positive attitude to regard objects as things to sympathize with came from his contemplative awareness to keep a poetic distance. Moving forward from limiting the meaning of the nature to his local features of Park Yongnae’s poems, it is possible to expand the meaning to try to make relation with objects. ‘Peripherality’ observed from ordinary and popular perspective made communication with nonego possible and became the motive of Park Yongnae’s works at the same time.


I. 서론
 II. 소외의 공간과 자기응시의 시선
 III. ‘먼 바다’ 공간과 관조의 시선
 IV. 틈새 공간의 긍정과 타자를 향한 시선
 V. 결론: 공간으로서의 타자와 소통의 의미


  • 이연화 Lee Yeon Hwa. 강원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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