

圓嶠와 信齋의 「東國樂府」 비교 연구 - 신화와 전설에 대한 인식의 同異를 중심으로 -


Comparative Research On Wonkyou’s and Shinjae’s Donggukakbu - Focusing on the similarities and difference of perception on mythology and legendary -

원교와 신재의 「동국악부」 비교 연구 - 신화와 전설에 대한 인식의 동이를 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is the follow up of “the historical awareness consideration on Wonkyou and Shinjae through Donggukakbu.” This thesis was written in order to develop the outcome of the former paper and to understand the difference and similarities of awareness between the mythology and legendary by analyzing more pieces. Wonkyou accepted the marvelousness and miracle of the legendary and mythology as they are without any criticism or suspicion and seeked historicality and literary value, granting objectivities without considering historical records with rational and critical perspective. Not only that, Wonkyou but also expressed the contents not in historical records with his rich imagination and expression. Shinjae, unlike his father, strived for validity and truth with close investigation on objective historical analyzation and practical fact of historical incidents, showing scholarly and calm attitude. He emphasized on scientific strictness and accuracy in history that he disregarded the origins of mythology and legendary that people may suspect and ridicule for being absurd and impious. Therefore, the pieces of the father typically are full-length with the blend of historicality and literary value, but Shinjae’s pieces are generally fragmented since he simply expresses his opinion on the truth of the history.


I. 서론
 II. 신화와 전설에 대한 인식의 同異
 III. 결론


  • 申章燮 신장섭. 경민대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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