


운전자의 착좌 자세에 따른 자동차 시트 쿠션의 강성 분석


Analysis on the Stiffness of Automotive Seat Cushion based on Sitting Strategy of Vehicle Drivers

김성육, 김옥환, 김기선

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



When the driver sits on the seat, the cushion supports more than 70% of body weight. Based on this the driver feels discomfort due to the pain and numbness caused by body pressure concentration in the ischial tuberosity. So, the purpose of this study is to analyze the stiffness of the seat cushion according to sitting strategy and to obtain basic data that can be reflected in the design of the seat cushion pad. First, the static stiffness characteristics of the seat cushion pad were determined through a static load test. Next, we measured the body pressure distribution of 20 subjects. Based on this, we derived 7 types of average body pressure distribution. And as the hardness distribution of the seat cushion, it was judged that it would be less hard feeling at the pressure concentration region. Finally, we compared the deflection and stiffness of the seat cushion using the average body pressure distribution and the static stiffness data of the seat cushion.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험 및 분석 방법
  2.1 정하중 시험
  2.2 체압 측정 시험
  2.3 시트 쿠션의 강성 패턴 분석
 3. 실험 결과 및 분석
  3.1 정하중 시험 결과
  3.2 착좌자세에 따른체압 분포 유형 분류
  3.3 체압 분포 유형에 따른강성의 변화
 4. 결론


  • 김성육 S. Y. Kim. Kongju National University
  • 김옥환 O. H. Kim. Kongju National University
  • 김기선 K. S. Kim. Member, Kongju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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