

Cascading Failure on Complex Networks Based on Routing Strategy




It has shown that the betweenness distribution of shortest path (SP) routing strategy on scale-free networks is exponential. Some nodes with great degree have higher flow. It is very easy to cause cascading failure when the node's flow exceeds its processing capacity. As a result, the service quality will fall. Utilizing the BA scale-free networks, we study the cascading failure between the minimum information path (MIP) routing strategy and the shortest path (SP) routing strategy. Then the tolerance parameters with upper and lower threshold are obtained by theory. The conclusion displays that the performance of SP routing strategy is slightly better than the MIP routing strategy when the network has little processing capacity. However, the value G of MIP rapidly growths and is close to 1, but the value of SP growths slowly with the process capacity increasing. In a word, the performance of MIP routing strategy is obviously better than the SP routing strategy. Therefore the robustness can be improved greatly by increasing the process capacity of some nodes under MIP routing policy.


 1. Introduction
 2. Model Introduction
  2.1. Cascading Failure
  2.2. Routing Strategy based on MIP [19]
 3. Tolerance Parameters
  3.1. Lower Threshold of Tolerance Parameter
  3.2. Upper Threshold of Tolerance Parameter
  3.3. The Conversation between Tolerance Threshold and Processing Capacity
 4. System Simulation
 5. Conclusions


  • Feng Zhou College of information Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, China
  • Jianeng Tang College of Engineering, Huaqiao University, PR China
  • Kai Wang Key Laboratory of Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing of Ministry of Education, Southeast University, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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