

경주시 결혼이주여성의 취업 경험과 심리적 적응에 관한 문화기술지 연구


A Ethnographic Study on the Female Married Migrants’ Job Activities and Psychological Adjustment in Gyeongju

이상덕, 최성혁



This study is a qualitative study on the job experience of immigrant women in Gyeongju. The purpose of this paper was to find the relation of female married immigrants’ job activities and psychological adjustment by talking with female married immigrants who had job activities. With reference to psychological adjustment, this study chose 3 sub factors – self-esteem, life satisfaction and psychological stability. For achieving this objective, this study was conducted targeting 7 married immigrants women recommended from social enterprise ‘ODS Multiculture Company’ and counselor in Gyeongsan multicultural family center. They are from Vietnam, China, Kyrgyzstan and Cambodia. Data are collected from interview and chatting. Results are as follows; First, working was helpful to build positive self-esteem and psychological stability. However, to make a life satisfaction higher, it required husband/other family member’s support for compatibility between office work and housework. Second, this study suggested that policy development by adaptation step, the academic system for foreign education approval, and practical support for job were needed. Additionally, this study verified the value as human resources of female married immigrants.


 I. 서론
 II. 문헌고찰
 III. 연구 방법
 IV. 연구 결과
 V. 결론 및 제언


  • 이상덕 Lee, Sang Deok. 서라벌대학교 사회복지과 교수
  • 최성혁 Choi, Sung Hyeok. 서라벌대학교 사회복지과 교수


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