Multiculturalism is already a common phenomenon in our lives. The government’s first multicultural family policy(2010-2012) positioned Ministry of Gender Equality and Family as the primary action agency and the other 11 cnetral administrative agency has nominated as the central authorities as well. By the current as a regional center the Multicultural family suppoer center established pursuant to the Multicultural Family Support Act Article 12 , enacted in 2008, improving the quality of multicultural family life and a stable settlement support , the goal of enhanced support and global human resources for multicultural families with children, mostly immigrants. It has placed the emphasis on support for settlement. In the second multicultural family support policy in 2013 for five years as its objective the development of multicultural family empowerment as one of the driving force of new coming society by the implementation of a multicultural society in which diversity is respected. Enhanced capabilities of multi-cultural families , the preferred implementation of a multicultural society will be highlighted in its important work. Multicultural Education in this regard will also go toward realizing a desirable multicultural society with a comprehensive set of measures targeting the members of the migrants and society as a whole one step beyond in terms of ever. Multiculturalism has been carried out research in various disciplines ranging from anthropology, sociology , as well as welfare , education and nursing and medicine while there are still performed. Many are actually Society was held a conference on the subject of multicultural societies , multiculturalism, multicultural education consecutively since 2006, the Institute was founded in 2008, made the journal. The government , which is preparing for the upcoming multi-cultural society as among interdisciplinary be called multicultural craze have a positive view in other point of view, some people are saying criticizes multiculturalism policy is reverse discrimination as follows: “It is particularly notable Korea is multicultural , when multi-ethnic anger eventually the Chinese and Muslims are most often come in after their number increased gotta be required eventually independence with the support of China and the Islamic world that gun inevitable and civil war is also inevitable in the process and this time, much more than the tens of thousands of people dead in Norway terror, is the fact that millions of people will die. So multiculturalism is that the act of genocide against humanity. It will act to promote that genocide laughing beautiful words of ' tolerance ' is a criminal act of genocide to promote laughing like one who called Norwegian Prime Minister.” This shows that such a statement at the time , yet already in a transitional situation in life while still felt strange cultural phenomenon . This transitional phenomenon had already presented in our history, it is examined with respect to the preferred social integration through cultural ethics education.
II. 역사 속 다문화 현상
III. 다문화 현상의 현주소
1. 사회적 차별의 문제
2. 용어 사용의 문제
3. 이민 적 측면에서의 문제
4. 다문화 현상과 사회통합
IV. 다문화 사회통합 방향의 제언
1. 한국 불교의 다문화적 요소
2. 한국 유교의 다문화적 요소
V. 결론