This study is intended to present the desirable occupation ethic culture with the information society that should able to judge by balanced harmony and to action correctly of the ethical ideal rightness and the real cultural values in the occupation by establishing a thinking and action systems, through applying ethical and cultural approach. Desirable occupation ethic culture has to be assuming a good job and a excellent occupation activities. Good job should be able to fulfillment essentially the basic human desire, must be aligned to fit the human needs structure and step, should be able to meet the growth needs ultimately. A good job is formed through the excellent occupational activities. Excellent job activities should never give harm to others, as well as it must also meet the desire to be self-occupation activities and contribute to society and others. To do this, professionals should be able to looking for a good value in their professional career and to perform a professional activity in the right way. Accordingly professionals should have the ability and virtue to think and act correctly. Consequently, to create a desirable occupation ethic culture of information society, all professionals should be contributed in the whole society, emphasised on process than results, and must live a balanced life. The preferred of professional culture ethics in information society will be raised through the efforts of all the professionals.
1. 오늘날 현대사회에서 직업을 어떻게 이해할 것인가
2. 직업에서 추구해야할 가치는 어떤 것인가
3. 직업활동에서 세워야할 윤리적 당위는 무엇인가
4. 직업활동에 있어서 균형적 조화의 원리와 올바른 실천의 원칙은 무엇인가
5. 직업인에게 요구되는 덕목은 어떤 것인가
6. 바람직한 직업윤리문화는 어떤 것이어야 하나
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