


불교윤리와 채식환경의 실천적 모색


A Practical Investigation of Buddhist Ethics and Surroundings for Vegetarianism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is 30 to 40 years since meat-eating in Korea scored the rapid increase. The increase of meat-eating has incurred a variety of issues such as adult diseases, animal rights, animal welfare-rights, environmental pollution, and hunger. In the Western world, vegetarians are normally categorized into the Vegan, Lacto-vegetarian, Lacto-ovo Vegetarian, Pescatarian, and Semi-vegetarian, but far more complicate and diverse classifications are put into use these days. Thus, vegetarianism in Korea needs to be classified again reflecting the real situation of Korea. Human beings eat animals and plants to live. In regard of eating animals, controversies have been raised from the perspective of utilitarianism over animal’s right to live, animal rights, and the like. Korea has traditional practices that respect animals’ life as well. Eating plants also can be an issue of ethical controversy, if not that serious as with animals, in that both are the same living things. Buddhist doctrine solved the problem by concluding that plants do not belong to sentient being because they stay outside of samsara(transmigrationofsouls), whileanimalsbelongtosentientbeings. Over vegetarianism, theories of Fundamental Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism are not consistent. Buddhism has suggested until now a variety of expediencies/measures on vegetarianism. Among the practical measures to put vegetarianism into action are the Middle Way, observance of Precepts, practice of Wisdom and Compassion, and establishment of organic relationships between vegetarianism and ecology. Vegetarianism is a way to restore the ecology. On vegetarianism, Buddhism should make its ethical position even clearer and engage in social movements more actively.


1. 육식이 문제가 된 세상
 2. 채식의 범위 검토
 3. 채식에 대한 쟁점과 불교윤리
  1) 채식의 생명윤리적 동기
  2) 동물의 생명권(生命權)
  3) 식물도 생명체가 아닌가의 논의
 4. 불교적 실천방안 모색
  1) 방편으로서 육식과 회통
  2) 중도와 계의 실천으로서 채식
  3) 지혜와 자비의 구현으로서 채식
  4) 채식과 생태의 유기적 관계
  5) 사회운동으로서 채식과 불교
 5. 마치며


  • 이성학 Lee, Seong-Hak. 동국대 불교학과 석사 졸업. 현재 포교사단 부설 무소유실천운동본부 사무국장.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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