



A Study on User Interface Design for Social Net Work Game Accessibility Improvement


李少秋, 高銀玲

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Following the development of technology, over the age of "web 2.0", and then "sharing", "participation", "open" and "personalization" and "intelligent" for them to the advent of an age of "Web 3.0". In this smart environment of the mobile equipment is just not a simple telephone or message function but until the appearance of service by the App(application) and game makes it more different. In this paper, first setting the trend of game and make a research of the social network game(SNG) what is catching a popularity recently. Among these situation is going to analysis the typical puzzle game centered on the kakao talk by Korea and the wechat by China. And set focus on the interface design of the SNG, through the case analysis, and from now on, making a suggest about the game evaluation of usability for increasing the accessibility between the user and game. Through the advanced research, esthetic visual elements color, shape, typography and lay-out are deducted for user, and analysis the interface of two games. From the next stage, following the professional of the usability is going to draw an usability evaluation by the technique of the Heuristics for mobile game, and following the two platform, after making a question investigation for the survey target from each side who had a experience of the game, it will be made a comparison through the result of evaluation. In the conclusion of this paper, making a combination between the result of case analysis and evaluation of usability to suggesting problems, and also finding the factor of occurrence for these problems in the future. Besides the puzzle game, through the method of this usability evaluation, this study is going to make a expectation to compare and analysis the other genre of games.


隨著科技的發展, 經歷完web2.0 時代,“共有”,“參與”,“開放”,以及“個人 化”和“智能化”集于一身的web3.0 時代也隨之到來。在這種擁有移動設備的智能環境下,不 僅有單純的電話和信息功能,甚至會提供應用程序或者遊戲功能,用戶們通過這些功能從而更 能享受到多樣化的服務。在本研究論文里,首先抓住遊戲的大趨勢,對最近有著很高人氣的移 動社交網絡遊戲(SNG)進行研究。其中會以韓國的Kakaotalk 和中國大陸的微信(Wechat) 里具有代表性的休閒益智類遊戲為中心進行分析。緊接著著重于SNG 的用戶界面設計,分析實 例。為了提高以後用戶和遊戲之間的接近性,提出對於遊戲使用性的評價標準。通過先行研 究,得出了色彩,形態,文字設計,排版等遊戲用戶的審美上的視覺構成要素。隨後通過對於 被稱作為Heuristics 的使用性評價相關的專家性的技法,得出移動遊戲的相關使用性評價的項目 之後根據兩個不同的平台分別進行對於遊戲對象的問卷調查,隨後再通過評價的結果進行比較 分析。本研究論文的結論部分結合了實例分析結果以及使用性評價結果,從中指出問題點,今 後對於這些問題發生的原因和防止研究進行近一步摸索,不僅只有休閒益智類遊戲,更加期待 通過這些技法對於其他類別遊戲的比較分析和研究。


 1. 序言
  1.1 研究背景和目的
  1.2. 研究的範圍和方法
 2. 理論背景
  2.1. 社交網絡遊戲(SNG)的考察
  2.2. 用戶界面的定位以及必要性
 3. 接近要素先行研究
  3.1. 審美性視覺構成要素
  3.2. 功能使用性的相關調查
 4. 實例分析
  4.1. 分析對象和方法
  4.2. 分析內容
  4.3. 分析結果
 5. 結論


  • 李少秋 이소추. 漢陽大學 設計學院 影像設計大學院
  • 高銀玲 고은령. 漢陽大學 設計學院 影像設計大學院 ,敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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