

Distribution and Types of negation of Korean NPI amwuto


Kang, Hyunju

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to analyze the distribution and role of Korean Negative Polarity Item (NPI), amwuto(anyone) in SJ-RIKS corpus and seek for typical patterns of its syntactic structure. To identify part of speech of amwuto, the collected data is sorted out according to its part of speech. In the next section, in order to find double subject, collocation search of topic marker un/nun, i/ka and amwu is conducted. This search condition is limited to adjacent collocation. In addition to that, special cases that amwuto occurs in the Neg-raising construction were also collected and investigated. At the end, the negation types that amwuto prefers are shown. As a result syntactic patterns of amwuto constructions are found. amwuto is frequently used with adjective eps(not exist) and amwuto is preferred to be used as a subject of a sentence. Within the clause where amwuto used, scrambling of subject and object is acceptable but it is not found in the corpus It is also found that 15% of amwuto in the corpus is used with extra NP and they have several common characteristics as follows. amwuto is found to be used with extra NP when the preceding noun has semantic feature [+human] such as saram(human), saram(honorific form of saram), pun(sino-Korean word of saram). 85% of the constructions of amwuto with extra NP occurs with constituent negation eps(not exist). There is typical pattern like [Relative Clause + saram + -un/-i amwuto + eps-ta] where amwuto is used with extra NP. At the end, the types of negations which give license to NPI amwuto are collected. As a result, there are sharp contrasts between long and short negations and between explicit and implicit negations.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background
  2.1. Negarive Polarity Items(NPIs)
  2.2 Locality of Amuuto
  2.3 amwuto in ambiguous sentence
 3. Analysis
  3.1 Distribution of amwuto
  3.2. amwuto with extra NP
  3.3 Types of negation with amwuto
 4. Conclusions


  • Kang, Hyunju Busan University of Foreign Studies


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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