

A Construction Grammar Approach to Korean Double Accusative Construction


Eugene Chung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper studies Korean double accusative constructions within the frameworks of the Construction Grammar (CxG). We first investigate the syntactic and semantic properties of English double object construction followed by the Korean double accusative examples. Yoon (2015) classifies Korean double accusative construction into six different types based on the characteristics of two noun phrases: double object, inalienable possession, object and accusative marked adverb, object and quantifier/classifier, type-token and modifier-modifiee type. This study adopted Goldberg's construction grammar to analyze Korean double accusative constructions. Goldberg (1995) proposed the central sense of the ditransitive construction is when “the agent successfully causes the recipient to receive the patient.” The verbs Goldberg specifies as arguments to this central sense are verbs of giving, verbs of instantaneous causation and verbs of continuous causation. Because these verb types have substantially different semantics, the central sense needs to be represented into different constructions. Korean double accusative constructions are not limited to the semantic constraints such as transfer of possession. The study shows diverse thematic roles of the arguments are involved in the Korean accusative constructions.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Properties of the Double Accusative Constructions
  2.1. Syntactic Properties of the English DOCs
  2.2. Semantic Properties of the English DOCs
  2.3. Types of Korean DACs
 3. Construction Grammar
 4. Construction Grammar Approach to DOCs / DACs
 5. Conclusion


  • Eugene Chung Korea University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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