

Study on the current direction of our country in accordance with the basic conditions for the commercialization of the UAV




Shipping related services is attracting attention as a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) application with the recent economy has been generally accepted drones. UAV of the existing military-driven logistics delivery, aerial photography, wireless Internet connection, broadcasting, disaster research, digital maps, transportation, advertising, meteorological, border surveillance, agricultural use, such as hobbies range of uses from up military are diverse and growing. The advantage of delivery drones seems to be an important feature of delivery of the goods, including labor-saving, long-distance transportation in cold weather. UAV is demanded by competitive performance development for commercialization. Privacy issues that may arise during the drone operation, ensuring marketability issues, control system, regulations, operational standards and specifications, etc. should be addressed. Development direction of Korea UAV based in current technology, regulation, and growth potential presented by deriving from the idea of 'GIF 2016 Gang-won Hackathon.


 1. Introduction
 2. Rule
 3. Technology
  3.1 Quad-copter technology
  3.2 Communication Method
 4. GIF 2016 Gang-won Hackathon participate ideas


  • Jong Deok Jo Department of Electronics, Seoil University, Seoul, Korea
  • Chang Hee Lee Department of Electronics, Seoil University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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