

Degradation of Properties and Loss of Nutrients in Gelatin Soft Capsules the Manufacturing Process


Jin Kyoung Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Gelatin soft capsules, manufactured by the press through package(PTP) process, are widely used in the production of multivitamin dietary supplements and other health functional foods. Gelatin capsules can prevent light and air from having a direct contact with the contents in the capsule, and the nutrients inside the capsules are preserved without any loss. In the present study, on the basis of the results on the safety of gelatin capsules. The parameters investigated included degradation of the capsules before their shelf life, capsule deformation, and changes in specific nutrients. Moisture and heat in the production and storage environments of the capsules caused the gelatin to swell and attach some of the inorganic salts in the vitamin contents. Nutritional component analysis showed that B1, B5, B9, and B12 contents were decreased, while mineral elemental analysis shown calcium, chloride, and zinc compound were found to be infused into the gelatin of the capsule shell.


 Materials and Methods
  Gelatin soft capsule (GSC) and contents
  GSC manufacturing process condition and notices
  Thermal analysis
  Non-destructive X-ray scanning
  Sample preparation for component analysis by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  HPLC nutritional component analysis standard and reagent
  GSC morphology and mineral composition analysis
 Results and Discussion
  GSC damaged by moisture and heat
  General analysis of degradation in damaged GSC
  Thermal analysis of normal and damaged GSC
  Nondestructive X-ray analysis of normal and damaged GSC
  Surface morphologies of normal and damaged GSC
  Loss of B group vitamins via transfer to the gelatincapsule surface


  • Jin Kyoung Lee Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Inha University, Incheon 22212, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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