

A Comprehensive Approach for Modeling and Diagnosis of Various Faults in Analog VLSI Circuits



As the advancement in technology the number of application per chip is increasing and chip area remain same. If number of application per chip is increasing so the difficulty level of analog circuit becomes more and more complex. So there are various fault occur in analog VLSI circuits during manufacturing of any analog circuit. If these faults cannot diagnose and remove at initial stage then it will lead to various changes in output of system, which increase the overall cost. In this article we focused on modeling, analysis and diagnosis of various faults which occur in analog VLSI circuit. We describe new approach to diagnose parametric and catastrophic fault in analog circuits with the help of signal flow graph technique. This technique is very simple and structural in nature. It is applicable to various linear analog VLSI circuits. In this paper we implement this approach on MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output Circuit).All the equation and model for MIMO circuit and simulation are done with the help of MATLAB/Simulink tool.


 1. Introduction
 2. Fault Modeling of Analog Circuits
 3. Example of SFG Technique
  3.1. Algorithm for SFG Inversion
 4. Analysis of Fault in MIMO Circuit
  4.1. Mathematical Calculation for Faulty Resistor 𝐑𝟐
  4.2. Mathematical Calculation for Faulty Capacitor C
 5. Catastrophic Fault Diagnosis in MIMO Circuit
 6. Conclusion


  • Sandeep Thakur Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, MGMCET Kamothe, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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