Tri-generation microgrids, also known as combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP) microgrids, have the potential to suffice the collective thermal and electrical demands of the microgrid residents. However, the energy demand of microgrids cannot be accurately predicted. Therefore, in this paper, robust optimization-based modeling for optimal operation of tri-generation microgrids is proposed. Uncertainty in cooling, heat, and power demands and worst-case realizations of uncertainties are considered. Initially, a deterministic problem is formulated which is then transformed into a min-max robust counterpart. Finally, a tractable robust counterpart is formulated by using the dual of the inner sub-problem. The formulated model is capable of providing feasible solutions for all possible realizations of uncertainties in energy demands (within the uncertainty bounds). The final tractable robust counterpart is simulated in CPLEX and various uncertainty cases are simulated. Simulation results have proved the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed optimization strategy.
1. Introduction
2. Tri-Generation Microgrids and Demand Uncertainties
3. Problem Formulation
3.1. Deterministic Model
3.2. Robust Counterpart
3.3. Tractable Robust Counterpart
4. Numerical Simulations
4.1. Input Data
4.2. Case 1: Uncertainty in Electrical Demand Only
4.3. Case 2: Uncertainty in Heat Demand Only
4.4. Case 3: Uncertainty in Cooling Demand Only
4.5. Case 4: Uncertainty in all CCHP Demands
5. Conclusion