Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) poses the highest rate of vulnerability to cloud computing in terms of availability with ability to destruct the Data-Center (DC) resources. The fortunate part of the attackers is these kinds of attacks are easier to launch the obscure flood towards victim DC and the unfortunate part of detection mechanism is to uncover the attack events and to protect the victim. In order to adapt and automate the detection mechanism in large scale network, agent based detection helps in improving the efficiency of detection. An increase in the network scale will also require the increase in agents deployed in the network to detect the vulnerability DDoS attack threats. This agent based DDoS Mechanism not only protects against huge DDoS flood, but also distinguishes the traffic characteristics by continuous traffic probing to classify the flash crowd traffic event and DDoS attack threat. Jade tool is used to simulate the experiment for our proposed detection scheme.
1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. A Brief Discussion about Agent based Architecture
4. Working Mechanism
5. Experimental Results
3. Advantages
4. Conclusion