

Mobile Application Development, Approaches, Advancement and Process



The number of mobile application development projects appeared to be one of the fastest on the planet that rapidly grows to be highly competitive and the state of this becomes imaginable and unfathomable to deliberate. As smartphones invade everything from business to education to medical to homes, when everything around us revolves in mobile platforms, we tend to ask questions about how is it possible for mobiles to increase popularity and demand for mobile applications? While there are numbers of mobile applications, there are still issues that need to be polished. There is a need of a systematic process of mobile app development that aims to maximize fault detection, making results exceptional to use and may help software developers become reliable to with the approaches and techniques they are using. This study discusses the use of mobile applications and the rapid growth in the mobile app industry. This study presents a mobile development process spiral method. Here, the authors explained the first to fifth iteration. There are many development methodologies that developers can follow, but the authors believe that spiral method is simplified and effective for developing a mobile application. As the mobile application development is changing the way software developers do their best practices for the best mobile apps in keeping their customers engaged in to them and by delivering the best app there is, the most important thing for our software developers is to develop a high quality app that is not only functional but definitely a progressive one.


 1. Introduction
 2. Bringing Us From Past to Present
 3. Mobile Apps for Everything
  3.1. Business
  3.2. Education
  3.3. More Social
  3.4. Entertainment
  3.5. Availability 24/7
  3.6. Leisure Hours
  3.7. Better Earth
  3.8. Systematic Learning Activated
  3.9. Portability
  3.10. More Than Just Children
  3.11. In Medical
 4. Developers Should Consider the Number
  4.1. Know Your Strong Points
  4.2. Identifying Your Stronger Points
 5. Mobile Development Process
  5.1. Mobile Development Process Spiral
  5.2. Mobile Applications Defect Tree Analysis
 6. Conclusion


  • Mechelle Grace Zaragoza School of Information Technology, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea
  • Haeng-Kon Kim School of Information Technology, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea
  • Deok Soo Han Department of Computer Engineering, Korea Army Academy at Yeong Cheon, South Korea


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