

Micro-ISV Survival Pattern on the Software Product Development



Microsoft, PayPal, and Facebook is a few examples how a micro independent software vendor (Micro-ISV) can be a world class enterprise. The successful examples of many startups on software product encourages a lot of IT entrepreneurship to create a micro-ISV. Creating a micro-ISV is not a big deal on IT entrepreneurship, however to make it grow and survive is something that is not stress-free. Creating micro-ISV is a high risk activity that need a careful survival planning, a vital product planning, even a brilliant marketing plan to make the product is received with limited resources that they have. This paper makes an effort to identify several key patterns that can work as a survival model for micro-ISV to build a product. As a result, this paper proposes seven survival patterns that can be useful for startup to start their journey as a micro-ISV. The survival patterns are composed from six micro-ISV on the developing country that is observed and interviewed by using case study approach.


 1. Introduction
 2. Previous Researches
 3. Research Method
 4. Micro-ISV Startup Patterns
 5. Conclusion


  • Ridi Ferdiana Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Randi Eka Yonida Microsoft Innovation Center


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