The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of reflective writing as a creative teaching-learning method to promote introspective thinking of pre-service teachers. Reflective writing is a new method to understand one’s points of view on the world. Reflective writing refers to reflecting process on writers’ previous writing experiences, which reveals cognitive and emotional process. Reflective writing provides researchers with the data which is impossible to be recognized from result text, and it also offers the opportunity to develop systematic thinking ability. In these regards, reflective writing has the possibility of the creative and ingenious research method. The results of this study show that reflective writing provides pre-service teachers with the opportunity to scrutinize their attitudes and belief on education. It can also provide meaningful data for educators to understand their students’ perception on education and help to organize the effective teaching project to customize their students’ needs and interests.
1. Introduction
2. Related Research
3. Methodology
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. The Experience of Introspective Thinking about the Secondary School Teachers’ Role
4.2. The Experience of Introspective Thinking about Themselves
5. Conclusion