It is expected that the flexible display will provide various physical forms of the interface through its bendable, rollable or foldable characteristics without any damage and these forms are considered as the core factors to deliver user experiences in the interface. In this study, we determined the ways of utilization of the form factors in the design phase of the user experience by analyzing the effectiveness of the flexible display’s form factors to each and every user experience type through a survey. The analyzed user experiences are Functionality, Understandability, Pleasure, Convenience, Familiarity, Stimulation, Adaptability, Collectivity, Reality, and Aesthetic; the results showed that each user experience type has a different level of effectiveness of the form factors. This indicated that particular user experiences and certain form factors are related and implies that the designer can use certain form factors to express particular user experiences.
1. Introduction
2. Flexible Display’s Form Factors and User Experience
3. User Survey
3.1. Flexible Display’s Form Factors
3.2. Flexible Display’s User’s Expected Experience
3.3. User Survey Process and Results
4. Conclusion