

Internet-of-Things Based Approach for Warehouse Management System



From information revolution to ubiquitous revolution, IT(information technology) has prospered influencingthelife of human and general industries. The transition from production management system in the early days to SCM today in logistics is mostly attributed to IT. In terms of WMS, from the initial production management system to the current system,massive amounts of IT have been applied to its use. Hence, this thesis presents a new type of logistics tracking and inventory management system that is able to track back the location of each commodity applying IoT(Internet of Things), known to be a current trend of IT, to utilize location-based information. The presented system also has capability to supervise the condition of commodity and real-time cargo shifting, applying environmental information gathered in inventory.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
  2.1. Information Technology and WMS
  2.2. Internet-of-things (IOT)
 3. Analysis of WMS Process
 4. Implementation of WMS sing IoT
  4.1. Systematic Architecture
  4.2. System Implementation
 5. Conclusion


  • Jung-Yee Kim Department of Port Logistics System, Dongmyong University, Busan, Korea
  • Doo-Jin Park Department of Port Logistics System, Dongmyong University, Busan, Korea


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