

The Interactive Mechanism of Static and Dynamic Analysis in the Reverse Analysis of Embedded Software



Because the software reverse analysis method which combined the dynamic and static analyses lacks normative interactive mode, the work of the software reverse analysis is inefficient, and its reusability is poor. Based on dynamic and static analysis process of the embedded software,three kinds of interactive mechanismare proposed, including Static To Dynamic (STD), Dynamic To Static (DTS), Static and Dynamic simultaneous (SDM), and has also presented the method of realizing these three interaction mechanisms in detail. The test results show that interactive mechanisms of STD, DTS and SDM are suitable for correction of abnormal nodes in the results of static analysis, optimization of dynamic information extraction, identification of hidden codes and so on. It can greatly improve work efficiencyof the embedded software reverse analysis.


 1. Introduction
 2. Static and Dynamic Analysis Process of the Embedded Software
 3. Interactive Mechanism of Static and Dynamic Analysis
  3.1. Static to DynamicInteractive Mechanism (STD)
  3.2. Dynamic to Static Interactive Mechanism (DTS)
  3.3. Static and Dynamic Simultaneous Interactive Mechanism (SDM)
 4. Realization of Interactive Mechanism in Static and Dynamic Analysis
  4.1. Realization of STD Mechanism
  4.2. Realization of DTS Mechanism
  4.3. Realization of SDM Mechanism
 5. Test
  5.1. Test of the STD Interactive Mechanism
  5.2.Test of the DTS Interactive Mechanism
  5.3. Test of SDM Interactive Mechanism
 6. Conclusion


  • LiuTie-ming The State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, Zhengzhou, P.R. China
  • Jinag Lie-hui The State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, Zhengzhou, P.R. China
  • Zhu Jing-si ZhengZhou University of Science and Technology, Zhengzhou, P.R. China
  • Meng Gang The State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, Zhengzhou, P.R. China


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