

국가-지자체-시민사회의 재구축 -마쓰시타 게이이치(松下圭一)의 구상을 중심으로-


The Rebuilding of the State, Local Government and Civil Society - focusing on ideas of Keiichi Matsushita -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article aims to examine the history, nature and prospect of the relationship between the state, local government and civil society in Japan. This subject requiring a historical perspective, ideas of Keiichi Matsushita(1929~2015) are taken up as a useful theoretical tool. His central argument is that the bureaucratic and centralized system of governance which has been predominant since the Meiji era should be changed into the citizen-participating and decentralized system of governance. This essay investigates how things were in the 1960s when Matsushita began to study his research interests, how much things improved in accordance with his theoretical claims, and what are the limits to the improvement and what kind of remedy may be available. For the period of about half a century, along with advantages such as the improvement of ‘civil minimum’, the abolition of the agency delegated functions, enactment of rules of local government, information disclosure, the expansion of concept of citizen participation, some limitations were also apparent, for example, poor preparations for practical autonomy including matter of finance, meagre capabilities of not a few local governments and unsatisfactory state of civil autonomy. While much concerned about the future of Japan, Matsushita stressed that there is no choice but to go on citizen-participating autonomy and decentralization. In order to embody his principled demands, this paper asserted the necessity to overcome the discourse on generations and the pessimism on the civil society and drew attention to NPO activation, public meetings for discussion, and the literate public sphere. In addition, it pointed out what is missed in Matsushita’s ideas, and suggested the possible relationship between the State, local government, and civil society.


ここでは、日本における国、自治体、市民社会の関係の歴史と性格、展望について語る。この場合、松下圭一(1929〜2015)の研究は有用な理論的資源として活用できる。彼の問題意識は、明治以来、日本のシステムは、官治・集権的な国家統治型であり、これを自治・分権的市民自治型に変えなければならないということである。 松下がこのテーマを研究し始めた1960年代の時期はどのような状況であり、以降の現実は、彼の理論的要請に照らしてどれほどの進展があり、また、どのような限界を見せているのか、また対応策は何かを探る。 約半世紀を経過しながら、シビル・ミニマムの改善、機関委任事務の廃止、自治体の条例制定、情報公開、市民参加の概念の拡散などの進展が行われる一方、財政を含む実質的な自治権の不在、多くの自治体の古い体質、不十分な市民自治の現実などが限界として指摘される。 松下は日本の将来について非常に懸念しながらも、市民型自治、分権を通して解決するほかに方法はないことを強調する。彼の原論的要求を具体化するため、ここでは、市民社会の存在と世代論的限界についての悲観論を乗り越えながら、NPO活性化、市民討議会、文芸的公共圏について注目する。また、松下の理論の空白を指摘し、日本の国、自治体、市民社間関係の展望について検討する。


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 역사적 전제
  2.1 메이지국가 시스템
  2.2 전후 개혁
 3. 1960년대의 전환
  3.1 1960년대의 동학
  3.2 도시형사회론과 제반 구상
 4. 반세기에 걸친 시도
  4.1 진전과 한계
  4.2 마쓰시타의 우려
 5. 시민형 구조개혁의 전망
  5.1 비관론을 넘어서
  5.2 시민참가 활성화의 시도
  5.3 문예적 공공권에 대한 주목과 논의
 6. 사문화와 단순반대투쟁을 넘어서
 7. 나오는 말


  • 李志遠 이지원. 한림대학교 일본학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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