

혼종성의 번역양상에 대한 일고찰-재일 디아스포라 문학을 중심으로-


A Study on the Translation of Hybridity - Focusing on Korean Diaspora Literature in Japan -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Translation is an act occurring when two or more languages come into contact with each other, so it is based on otherness. And the otherness can come into the foreground or go to the background depending on the purpose of the translation or politics, power or ideological relationship that surrounds the translation. The relationship between linguistic subject and other has long been studied, and it is based on the assumption that the source text and the target text are written in one homogeneous language. However, deterritorialization and denationalization of literature that started from the end of colonialism present new translation issues that cannot be explained from the perspective of subject and other. Diaspora literature, which is written in other languages by diaspora who left their home country and settled in other countries, is situated in a “third space” and is born on the boundary between the residing country and home country, center and periphery, and assimilation and resistance, and one of its characteristics is linguistic hybridity. Especially, in the case of Korean diaspora literature in Japan, linguistic hybridity has resisting power that subverts the hierarchy between the imperial language and nation language and is directly linked to the identity of the diaspora since Korean diaspora literature in Japan implies contact, conflict and dynamics between the two languages. Through “The Other Side of August” by Yu Miri and “The Volcanic Island” by Kim Seokbeom, which are postcolonial hybrid texts, this study investigates how linguistic hybridity appears in these texts and how it is changed in the process of translation into Korean to deal with translation issues presented by hybrid texts and examine the possibility of translation of linguistic hybridity.


翻訳とは、二つ以上の言語が接触する際に発生する行為であり、それゆえ他者性を前提とする。そしてこの他者性は、翻訳の目的や翻訳をめぐる政治と力、イデオロギーなどによって前景化または後景化する。こういった主体と他者の関係は、起点言語と目標言語がそれぞれ均一的な単一言語であるという前提で成り立っているが、近年の文学の脱領土化と脱民族化は、こういった主体と他者という二項対立では説明できない新たな翻訳の問題を提起する。母国を離れ、異国に定着した離散民(ディアスポラ)によって、異国の言語で書かれたディアスポラ文学は、定住国と母国、中心と周辺、同化と抵抗といった境界に生まれる「第三の空間」に位置する文学であり、多言語性を特徴とする。特に植民地支配を経験している在日朝鮮人文学の場合、多言語性は、帝国のことばを転覆させる抵抗としての力を持っており、言語間の交渉と葛藤、力学関係を含蓄しているだけに、ディアスポラのアイデンティティーと直結する。 本研究では、ポストコロニアルテキストとして多言語性が目立つ柳美里の󰡔8月の果て󰡕、金石範の󰡔火山島󰡕のハイブリディティがどのように翻訳されたか、その様相を把握し、ハイブリッドテキストの翻訳が提起する翻訳の問題を考察して翻訳の可能性を模索する。


1. 들어가며
 2. 선행 연구 고찰
 3. 연구대상 및 연구방법
 4. 실제 번역 예
  4.1 『8月の果て』의 번역 예
  4.2 『火山島』의 번역 예
 4. 나가며


  • 李奈暻 이나경. 한국외국어대학교 통번역대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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