

No Country for Old Men and Mythic Frontier Landscape


Jihun Yoo

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yoo, Jihun. “No Country for Old Men and Mythic Frontier Landscape.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 42.4 (2016): 49-69. While many critics approach Cormac McCarthy’s No Country For Old Men in terms of the postmodern and late capitalistic setting, this essay approaches the novel within the frontier tradition. Despite the novel’s strong association with the frontier tradition, it variously deals with the development of a new frontier. This essay will explore the relationships between the new frontier tradition, determinism, free will and the American Dream. In fact, Moss, as an agent of free will, is created out of the violent confrontation between Bell’s nostalgic traditionalism and Chigurh’s destructive nihilism. In the novel, Moss emerges as a variant of a frontier character who is able to resist these two opposing world views and forces by constantly enacting his free will. But as a new frontier figure, Moss, together with Bell’s dream figure, becomes associated with the American Dream—the mythic vision of a man who must struggle on despite impossible odds. (Kookmin University)


 I. Introduction
 II. Nostalgic Traditionalism and Destructive Nihilism
 III. Resisting Determinism: Free Will, the American Dream and Mythic Vision
 IV. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Jihun Yoo Kookmin University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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