

Byron’s Hebrew Melodies and the Manifold Repercussions of Music


Jie-Ae Yu

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yu, Jie-Ae. “Byron’s Hebrew Melodies and the Manifold Repercussions of Music.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 42.4 (2016): 29-47. The main purpose of this article is to investigate how Byron's Hebrew Melodies features his diverse deployment of the function of music in personal, social, and spiritual domains. Byron's utilization of music is closely entwined with enhancing his thematic considerations such as the curing process of the speaker's heavy heart imposed by the continual sense of private, inward distress. The author's manifestation of music is also used to enact the imperishable achievement and fame of a dead person whereby his absence does not leave friends and relatives bereft and miserable. In addition, Byron accentuates the social function of music which enables the Hebrews to maintain their identity and unification in sharing their afflictive moment of slavery. Hebrew Melodies further embodies the spiritual power of music which drives the Hebrews to yearn for regaining their past glory and liberation. (Changwon National University)


 Works Cited


  • Jie-Ae Yu Changwon National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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