

An Empirical Study of Factors Affecting TV Format Business



This study is an empirical study for related industries of broadcasting TV Format. Global TV trade market as MIPCOM, MIPTV, ATF, CICAF etc, is growing but TV Format trade is dependent on the exportations of TV Format. This study analyzed that the many person in charge of localization about TV Format trade what they were thinking when they trade on Format business. And carry out a survey targeting the person in charge 500 participants in ATF. For analysis, it used that the trade factors (Format brand reliability, Format confidence, Format genre similarity, Viewers’ Format sympathy and Viewers’ Format reactivity) of the person in charge and localization factors (Format stability and Format possibility of localization). The result of this study found the effects between independent variables (Format brand reliability and Viewers’ Format sympathy) and dependent variables (Format stability and Format possibility of localization). It is necessary to indicate in this result that could find the reason of a trade vitalization about global TV Format distribution because broadcasters and production companies do not know where trade business solutions are. Because of this, this study provides good business chance for the industrial world, and academic meaning has undeniable worth.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Researches
  2.1. The Concept of TV Format trade
  2.2. The Present Condition of TV Format Trade
  2.3. A Product of TV Format Trade
 3. The Method and Model of Research
  3.1. The Research Method and Definition
  3.2. Operational Definition
  3.3. Research Model
 4. The Research Result
  4.1. Factorial Validity and Reliability Analysis
  4.2. An Effect on Format Stability of TV Format Trade Factor
  4.3. An Effect on Format Possibility of Localization of TV Format Trade Factor
 5. Conclusions


  • Jin-Sik Park The Department of Broadcasting and Visual Art, Joongbu University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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