

Implementation of User Authentication as a Service for Cloud Network



There are so many security risks for the users of cloud computing, but still the organizations are switching towards the cloud. The cloud provides data protection and a huge amount of memory usage remotely or virtually. The organization has not adopted the cloud computing completely due to some security issues. The research in cloud computing has more focus on privacy and security in the new categorization attack surface. User authentication is the additional overhead for the companies besides the management of availability of cloud services. This paper is based on the proposed model to provide central authentication technique so that secured access of resources can be provided to users instead of adopting some unordered user authentication techniques. The model is also implemented as a prototype.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
 3. Problem Statement
 4. Traditional Model/Approach
 5. Proposed Model
 6. Implementation of the Model
  6.1. System Requirements
  6.2. VMware Workstation
  6.3. Creating new Virtual Machines
  6.4. Installation of VMware Tools
  6.5. Installation of Windows Server 2008 R2
  6.6. Installation of ESXI Server
  6.7. Installation of Windows 7 (64 bit)
  6.8. Installation of vSphere Client
 7. Testing, Evaluation and Results
 8. Conclusion


  • Masood Shah SZABIST, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Abdul Salam Shah SZABIST, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Imran Ijaz SZABIST, Islamabad, Pakistan


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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