

Theoretical Research on the Time Delay and Corresponding Issues for the Novel Category of Internet of Things Control System



In this paper, we theoretically and numerically analyze the time delay and corresponding issues for the novel category of Internet of things control system. At present, the Internet of things technology progress and mature, people also gradually combine control system and Internet connection and make them to give full play to their strengths. Internet of things has great innovation in goods intelligent network, and the general Internet of things in the motion control system has a great development space, the future of control system is applied to the large number of the wireless fieldbus and sensor networks. To overcome the severe issues of the IOT system denoted as the time delay, we conduct research from following perspectives. (1) The control system modelling and analysis. Compared in the actual control system in an event-driven clock driver has many advantages such as when the controller equipment or setting of event-driven actuators equipment. (2) The time delay analysis with mathematical modelling. Due to the signal delay, controller cannot receive timely feedback information of the object which will seriously affect the dynamic performance of the remote control system. Complex math model is proposed to deal with the issues. In the final part, we numerically simulation the proposed model and theory compared with other famous methods, the result indicates that the proposed method obtain better performance and feasibility.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Principles of Control System and Time Delay
  2.1. The Control System Modeling and Analysis
  2.2. The Time Delay Analysis with Mathematical Modeling
 3. The Internet of Things Control System Time Delay
  3.1. The Core Techniques of the Internet of Things
  3.2. Internet of Things Control and Time Delay Methodology
 4. Experiment and the Simulation Result
  4.1. Set-up of the Experiment
  4.2. Experimental and Simulation Result Demonstration
 5. Conclusion and Summary


  • Yucheng Zhang Xijing University, Xi’an, China
  • Guoyong Liu Xi’an traffic Engineering Institute, Xi’an, China
  • Luming Tan JiangSu Wisedu System Co.,Ltd. ,JiangSu,China


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