Distributed block storage system is one of the fundamental components of cloud computing, and many important services, including cloud database, cloud queue, are built upon it. It is common practice to build block storage system based on reliable and efficient Linux open source software, i.e. software RAID, to meet the I/O requirements of cloud database. Bitmap is a critical data structure of software RAID, and hence is important to reliability and performance of this kind of storage system. We describe several existing software RAID bitmap management solution, and propose REMB (Recoverable External Memory Bitmap), which is reliable and efficient. Experimental results show that REMB improve cloud database performance by 30%~60%.
1. Introduction
2. Open Source Software
2.1. MD (MultipleDisk)
2.2. iSCSI
2.3. DM
3. Distributed Block Storage System
3.1. System Architecture
3.2. Internal Bitmap
3.3. Reliable External Bitmap
3.4. REMB: Recoverable External Memory Bitmap
4. Experiments
4.1. Experiment Environment
4.2. I/O Response Time
4.3. Database Performance
5. Related Works
6. Conclusion