

Research on Service Component Retrieval with Hadoop




It remains both important and difficult for service-oriented computing to retrieve accurately and efficiently the service components fulfilling the client’s need. This paper intends to present a method for use in retrieving the personalized service components based on Hadoop architecture. It extends the semantic ontology of service components, and proposes the methods for building and inquiring the index files based on Lucene. By utilizing the HDFS and adopting the QoS computation and personalized recommendation techniques, the working principles of Map and Reduce of Hadoop are expanded. Experiment results show that the proposed method is applicable in realizing the retrieval of service components in distributed computing environment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Index File Construction for Service Component
  2.1. Semantic Description of Service Component
  2.2. Index Building Process for Service Component
 3. Index File Construction for Service Component
  3.1. Map Process
  3.2. Reduce Process
 4. Service Component Retrieval in Hadoop Architecture
 5. Summary and Prospective Research


  • Wen Si College of Information and Computer Science, Shanghai Business School, Shanghai, P. R. China
  • Rong Tan College of Information and Computer Science, Shanghai Business School, Shanghai, P. R. China
  • Lu Bing College of Information and Computer Science, Shanghai Business School, Shanghai, P. R. China


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