

Research on Big Data-Based E-Learning Contents Authoring Services



Online learning began to spread of the Internet in the 1990s. Online education has now changed into a smart learning Smart learning has requested an extension to the mobile environment in a number of e-Learning content that has been fixed to the existing web environment. It was learning to enable anywhere, anytime, regardless of location, and the user has enabled the study of the interaction to the content. In this study, we studied the e-learning authoring tools that meet the requirements of the mobile environment. It is provided to the user in the form of SaaS, and it provides a method for creating the e-learning content made HTML5 technology. In addition, we analyze big data of various learners, the goal is to provide the personalized learning as integrated e-learning solutions.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
  2.1. 4CSoft's YODA Services
  2.2. Tekville.com’s WebCAT
  2.3. Silverstream Producer
  2.4. MAXMEDIA Producer
  2.5. iSpring
  2.6. TOC6
 3. Proposed System
  3.1. E-learning STUDIO
  3.2. CMS (Contents Management System)
  3.3. LMS (Lecture Management System
 4. Features
  4.1. E-learning STUDIO
  4.2. Lecture Management System
 5. Conclusion


  • Seung-Hwan Ju Ph.D Candidate, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, KoreaTech, South Korea
  • Sung-Hyu Han Associate Professor, School of Liberal Arts & HRD KoreaTech, South Korea
  • Hee-Suk Seo Professor, Ph.D Candidate, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, KoreaTech, South Korea


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