


400km/h급 전차선로용 드로퍼의 기계적 피로 수명 평가


Evaluation of Mechanical Fatigue Life for Droppers of 400km/h Overhead Contact Line

조용현, 이기원

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Mechanical fatigue tests which consist of an alternate load and compression cycle show that droppers for 400km/h operation have cyclic mechanical strength of 300N with compression amplitude 0.05m. Numerical simulations for forces on the dropper during the passage of a train tell that dynamic forces can be varied up to 15% due to installation tolerance. Taking into account of the 15% variation, we end up with the maximum allowable peak load of 260N for the dropper. Peak value of measured forces on the dropper at the speed of 400km/h is 152N, which is less than the maximum allowable peak load of 260N. Conclusively, the possibility of fatigue fracture for the dropper is quite low.


 1. 서론
 2. 열차 통과시 드로퍼 동적 거동 예측
  2.1 팬터그래프-전차선로 동적상호작용 시뮬레이션
  2.2 전차선 설치 조건에 따른 드로퍼 하중 및 압축량 예측
 3. EN 50119:2009에 따른 드로퍼 피로 시험
  3.1 드로퍼의 기계적 피로 강도 목표치 설정
  3.2 피로 시험 방법 및 절차
  3.3 드로퍼의 기계적 피로 강도 확인
  3.4 드로퍼의 기계적 피로 강도의 안전율 검토
 4. 400km/h 주행시 드로퍼 작용 하중 측정
  4.1 드로퍼 작용 하중 측정장치
  4.2 400km/h 주행시 드로퍼 작용 하중 측정
 5. 결론


  • 조용현 Yong-Hyeon Cho. Member, Chief Researcher, Korea Railroad Research Institute
  • 이기원 Ki-Won Lee. Principal Researcher, Korea Railroad Research Institute


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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