

학교폭력 대책 방안과 그에 대한 문제점


The Problems and Their Solutions about Punishment of the Perpetrators

장희경, 천혜정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Between March 1 and 15, 2015, this questionnaire investigation was conducted into 144 students who attended elementary school, middle school, academic high school, and specialization high school in Incheon Metropolitan City. It was carried out through investigators who visited their alma meters and neighboring high schools and explained the students about the aim of this research and how to respond to the questionnaire. Then, in cooperation and connection with each students' association, the questionnaire responses and anti-school violence campaigns were analyzed and the following results were acquired. 1. To the question ‘Have you ever experienced any school violence?,’ 48 students (33.3%) answered ‘I have’ and 96 students (66.7%) ‘I have not.’ 2. To the question asked to the said responding 48 students, ‘In which way have you asked help as you experienced a school violence?,’ 12 students (8.3%) answered ‘I have recourse to counseling with my school teacher,’ 12 students (8.3%) answered ‘I have recourse to counseling with my school parent’ 6 students (4.2%) ‘I have recourse to counseling with my peers,’ and 18 students (12.5%) ‘I have not asked for any counsel or help.’ 3. To the question asked to the responding 30 students who had asked for counsel or help, 'How much helpful was the counsel or help given from others?,' 6 students (4.2%) answered 'Very helpful and 24 students (16.7%) answered 'Helpful.' 4. Concerning the registration of school violence-related punishments in school records, to the question ‘What do you think about the attitude of students who respond to an annual and national investigation into school violences?,’ 120 students (83.3%) answered ‘Students give a candid answer as they have witnessed or experienced.’ 5. Concerning the effectiveness of the first-ever systematic anti-school violence education, to the question ‘How much effective is it to systematically educate students on the fact that even a slight harassment is a violence?,’ 54 students (37.5%) answered ‘The education is interesting from the perspective of students,’ and 72 students (50.0%) answered ‘It is no more than a formal education but still of help,’ and 18 students (12.5%) answered ‘It is of no help.’ 6. Concerning the practice or non-practice of an education given around the meal table, to the question ‘Is a relevant education practiced around the meal table each Wednesday when all members of the family gather and celebrate a family love day?,’ 96 students (66.7%) answered ‘It is practiced.’ 7. Concerning the effectiveness of comprehensive measures against school violences, to the question ‘How effective are comprehensive measures, you think, to exterminate or prevent school violences?,’ 12 students (8.3%) answered ‘They are of some help’ and 66 students (45.8%) answered ‘They are of no help.’ The above-mentioned results imply that educational plans to prevent school violences should be set up more actively. In principle, each school need determine in detail who and when the education should be given, and concrete educational programs should be set up and shared by regional units. Since it may be hard for a school to decide on what should be taught, it is necessary for a regional educational committee to specify basic plans for what should be taught and/or educated. It means that regional units need prepare detailed regulations and/or operational guidelines about the appointment of alternative schools and/or exclusive education and research institutions.


1. 서론
 2. 연구대상 및 방법
  2.1. 연구대상
  2.2. 연구방법 및 내용
 3. 연구결과
  3.1. 학교폭력 경험유무
  3.2. 학교폭력 상담과 도움요청 대상
  3.3. 학교폭력 상담의 도움여부
  3.4. 학교폭력 종합대책 사전인지 여부
  3.5. 담임교사와 면담 실시 및 학부모에게 결과통지 여부
  3.6. 학교폭력 징계사항을 학교생활기록부 기재에 관한 생각
  3.7. 국가수준 학교폭력 실태조사 참여 시 학생의 답변 태도
  3.8. 중학생 체육활동 대폭 확대에 대한 생각
  3.9. 체육 활동 시간에 학생의 참여도
  3.10. 셧다운제와 쿨링오프제를 피하기 위한 편법
  3.11. 체계적인 학교폭력교육의 효과성
  3.12. 밥상머리교육의 실천여부
  3.13. 밥상머리교육의 실천되지 않는 이유
  3.14. 학교폭력 종합대책의 학교폭력근절예방도움 여부
 4. 고찰
 5. 결론


  • 장희경 Hee-kyung Jang. 신성대학교 치위생과
  • 천혜정 Hye-jung Chun. 인천외국어고등학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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