The Aspect of the Use of Inanimate Subjects in a French– Korean Translational Corpus : Focused on Transitive Auxiliary Verb Constructions ‘- 게 하다’.
This study examines the use of inanimate subjects in the Koreantransitive auxiliary verb constructions ‘-게 하다(to make V or tomake A)’ by comparing a French-Korean (hereafter F-K) translatedcorpus with a Korean non-translated corpus and English-Korean (hereafter E-K) translated corpus. Unlike in English or in French,transitive constructions in Korean tend to use conscious humansubjects. Also, transitive constructions that have inanimate subjectsare usually unacceptable in Korean. Previous studies have foundno statistically significant difference between Korean non-translatedand an E-K translational corpus in terms of frequency of inanimatesubjects in transitive constructions. Therefore, in order to explorethe possibility of generalizing such findings, this study comparesthe frequency of inanimate subjects in transitive auxiliary verbconstructions in the F-K translated corpus with the frequency oftransitive auxiliary verb constructions in the Korean non-translatedcorpus. The result of this study was consistent with previousstudies showing little statistically significant difference between thetwo. However, in the transitive auxiliary verb constructions ofrelative clauses, the frequency of inanimate subjects in the F-Ktranslated corpus was higher than in the Korean non-translatedcorpus. In addition, the F-K translated corpus had a variety ofinanimate subjects in transitive auxiliary verb constructions andshowed a high rate of purely inanimate subjects that are notattached to human.
1. 서론
2. 연구 방법
3. 연구 결과 및 논의
3.1. 사동 구문 주어의 유정성 비교
3.2. 사동 구문 무생물 주어의 양상
4. 결론