

Effective EEG Motion Artifact Removal with KS test Blind Source Separation and Wavelet Transform



Artifacts frequently corrupt biomedical signal recording and processing, therefore, removal of these artifacts from physiological signals is an essential step. The acuteness in the performance of healthcare technology has upgraded from the current hospital-centric environment towards portable ubiquitous approaches. The uncertainty in the subsequent performance of these approaches introduced a dedicated research and past few decades have witnessed considerable improvement. In this research work an enhanced empirical approach to model the artifacts of EEG signal are described. The input EEG is a single channel and is converted into multichannel using Ensemble Empirical Mode decomposition (EEMD) operations and further filtered with Independent Component Analysis and Double Density Wavelet Transform to reject any traces of artifacts left at signal. This proposed algorithm is tested with different evaluation parameters and results pronounce the eligibility of the proposed algorithm to stand on top of currently deployed algorithms because significant improvement in results.


 1. Introduction
 2. Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD)
 3. Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
 4. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
 5. Proposed System Model
 6. Data Acquisition
 7. Performance Evaluation Parameters
  7.1. Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
  7.2. POWER spectral Density (PSD)
 8. Results and Discussion
 9. Conclusion


  • Vandana Roy DoEC, GGITS, Jabalpur, M.P., 482005, INDIA
  • Shailja Shukla Professor and Head of DoCSE, JEC, Jabalpur, MP, 482011, INDIA


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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