

Poster Presentation : Transgenesis, Xenotransplantation

Gene editing platform in Cattle


  • Sang-Eun Hahn Laboratory of Theriogenology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, College of Veterinary Medicine and the Research Institute of Veterinary Science, Seoul National University
  • Soo-YoungYum Laboratory of Theriogenology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, College of Veterinary Medicine and the Research Institute of Veterinary Science, Seoul National University
  • Song-JeonLee Embryo Research Centerin Seoul Milk Coop
  • Choong-IlLee Laboratory of Theriogenology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, College of Veterinary Medicine and the Research Institute of Veterinary Science, Seoul National University
  • Hee-SooKim Embryo Research Centerin Seoul Milk Coop
  • Hyeong-JongKim Embryo Research Centerin Seoul Milk Coop
  • Woo-JaeChoi Laboratory of Theriogenology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, College of Veterinary Medicine and the Research Institute of Veterinary Science, Seoul National University
  • Ji-HyunLee Laboratory of Theriogenology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, College of Veterinary Medicine and the Research Institute of Veterinary Science, Seoul National University
  • Woo-SungLee Embryo Research Centerin Seoul Milk Coop
  • GooJang Laboratory of Theriogenology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, College of Veterinary Medicine and the Research Institute of Veterinary Science, Seoul National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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