

한국어 문법 교육에서 교수 방법의 적용 양상 - 문형 연습과 과제 활동을 중심으로 -


A Study on Application of the Methods in Teaching of Korean Grammar - pattern drill and task activity -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this article is to describe the views that teachers are interested in the pattern drill and the task activity as a teaching method of Korean grammar. For this purpose we investigated the aspects of appling the two methods in Korean classroom by means of a survey on the scene of teachers. In Korean grammar education, traditional grammar-translation and audio-lingual method which have the teacher-centered and result-centered attitudes are put to practical use widely. And traditional pattern drill and input enhancement are used widely as a teaching technique of Korean classroom. But the task activity is not applied to the face of awareness of the effectiveness and practical application. In conclusion, according to the survey analysis, the pattern drill is applied more widely than the task activity, teachers’ preference and the educational conditions of applying the task activity fall below the average. These aspects reflect the problems of the structure of textbooks and the curriculum of the institutions which are restricted by time and space. Korean is very complex language for foreign students because of agglutinative morphs, but the monotonous teaching methods are applicated in a lot of classes of Korean grammar. Consequently, it is necessary to merge the pattern drill and the task activity eclectically and yield a synergetic and meaningful result in Korean grammar education.


I. 들어가기
 II. 한국어 문법 교육의 일반적 양상
 III. 문형 연습과 과제 활동의 적용 양상
 IV. 문형 연습과 과제 활동의 절충적 적용
 V. 맺음말


  • 우형식 Woo Hyeong Shik. 부산외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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