

과정 중심 글쓰기의 효과적 교육 방안 연구


Actual Utilization of Process Centered Writing Education - Focus on Writing 2 class case of Kyunghee University


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research aimed at improving learning achievement through the actual application of process centered writing education method for the efficient study of university writing education. For this, this research reviewed phased application case of academic writing education as the process centered learning method. This research conducted phased procedural study by dividing into 5 stages, i.e. theme selection, data collection, overview composition, first proof writing, revision. Academic writing in university writing education is difficult for the students to approach, however the education thereof is necessary, since it is useful to cultivate logical and critical thinking necessary for university education. To raise interest and participation of students and learn the logical and critical discussion development, this research conducted by selecting different learning strategy per stage. Theme selection and data collection were conducted through discussion by groups of two learners, and overview composition was conducted based on the professor's feed-back, while the first proof writing was conducted based on presentation and joint review. Such method could expect learning effect more than emotional writing. Also, such learning expands efficiency more, since it could be applied also in task performance in each department.


I. 과정 중심 글쓰기 교육
 II. 과정 중심 글쓰기 교육의 절차와 사례
 III. 과정 중심 글쓰기 교육의 효과와 방향성
 IV. 결론


  • 서현주 Seo Hyeon-Ju. 평택대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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