

『鏤板考』의 評論과 『完營日錄』의 農政에 나타난 서유구의 실학적 측면


The Silhak’s aspect of Seo Yu-gu reflected in the review of 『Nupan-go』 and the agricultural policy in 『Wanyoung-ilrok』

『루판고』의 평논과 『완영일록』의 농정에 나타난 서유구의 실학적 측면


전북사학회 전북사학 제49호 2016.10 pp.117-140
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The studies about Seo Yu-gu(1764~1845) have been focused on the agricultural science, his main study area. For multilateral understanding of his study and thought it needs to study variously all the study area as well as the agricultural science. Moreover, the study about his agricultural science also is not only focused on an ideological aspect but also implementation in reality. 『Nupan-go』 and 『Wanyoung-ilrok』, the one of writing during his government official, showed that his thought was grafted on reality. A book review about 『Nupan-go』 and a personal criticism about a compiler contained his ideological disposition and the phases of that times. Official documents related to the agricultural science in 『Wanyoung-ilrok』 showed well the implementation process about his Silhak ideology in reality. 『Nupan-go』 was made by him in 1792 for receiving an order from King Jeongjo. He investigated and compiled into it books existing in public and private office. With bibliographic items about books this book contained a book review and a personal criticism. For example, he estimated 『Bangyesurok』 written by Yu Hyung-won at the best practical reform theory and Cho sik who advanced a moral philosophy with Lee Hwang at seeking a different study from him and having an impure motive unlike him. 『Nupan-go』 is a precious book in the bibliographical and historical aspects, and a useful literature in looking at knowledge system of the then gentry and ideological disposition of Seo Yu-gu. He wrote valid reviews in accordance with the purpose of publishing 『Nupan-go』. This could be regarded as an objective and historical view. For 『Nupan-go』 itself was reflected in the Silhak’s aspect of King Jeongjo that he made publication easy and preserved wood blocks about it. 『Wanyoung-ilrok』 written by Seo Yu-gu is a daily record of a governor of Jeolla-do during his term of office, 1833-1834. As agricultural science was the important duty of a governor, 『Wanyoung-ilrok』 had various records about it. In this book, he made an effort to put his theory, Riyonghusaengron, into practice such as providing a helping hand with making agricultural implements, securing water for agriculture with constructing dams, and increasing a crop with introducing a new variety. Although he did his agricultural policy by order of the central government and a duty of a governor, his policy in 『Wanyoung-ilrok』 could keep a character of Riyonghusaeng strongly. If we investigate that how his policy through Silhak is successful, what the limitations of policy is, and how different he is with other governors, we can see his ideological disposition about Silhak.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 서유구의 생애와 저술
 Ⅲ. 『누판고』의 책판 해제와 찬자 인물평
 Ⅳ. 『완영일록』의 農政에 나타난 실학적 측면
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 배경옥 Bae, Gyeong-Og. 전북대학교 대학원 사학과 박사과정 수료.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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