

후백제 견훤 정권의 고부 경영과 해상교통


Management of Gobu and Marine Traffic during the kingdom of Hubaekje (Later Baekje)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is said that Geyon Hwon founded Hubaekje in Gwangju and called himself king of the country in 892. However, there is no historical evidence that Hubaekje was built in Gwangju, which suggests that Gyeon Hwon did not found the country yet as he could not control powerful local families in the area of Jeollanam-do and groups that had power around the River Youngsan. Therefore, it is logical to belive that Jeonju was the first capital of Hubaekje as Gyeon Hwon shaped his government in Jeonju in 900 and called it Hubaekje and became king of the kingdom. After the foundation of the kingdom, he sent envoys to Owol, a country in China and received a title, a name as king of the kingdom. Gyeon Hwon attacked the power groups that were against him and on the side of Wang Geon around the River Youngsan in 909. He needed to control the area for the management of the country. He invaded Gobu and made Julpo-bay located near Gobu a center to control over the marine around Julpo-bay. Geonmo-port in Julpo-bay was a shipyard and a place for military vessels to anchor. Gyon Hwon also developed Jaean-port and Sajin-port. It is assumed that he departed his naval forces at Geonmo-port in 909 when he attacked the power groups around the River Youngsan since the River Mankyeong, sea route of Jeonju at that time was not an efficient route to move his naval forces. The geographical environment around Gobu was very good to control marine traffic. Therefore, Gyeon Hwon built Gobu as a place to control over the sea near it and manage vessel traffic that go through the River Dongjin and Geonmo-port, Jaean-port in Boan and Sajin-port in Hoongduck. Geonmo-port was used as a shipyard, a place for vessels to anchor, and a supply base. Jaean-port was developed to become a center for marine traffic and Sajin-port and Buan-cape was developed and managed as a place for marine trading. After Gyeon Hwon had a control over Julpo-bay, he started international activities in 920. It is assumed that his political, military, and economical ability could make them possible. His kingdom collapsed in 936 and Wang Geon, king of Goryeo installed Annamdohobu in Jeonju, capital of Hubaekje and sent a governor to Gobu which suggests that Gobu was considered as important as Jeonju in the aspect of politics. Even though Hubaekje had a short historic period, it controled Julpo-bay and made marine traffic, trading, and battles around it actively. After Goryeo invaded and installed Annamdohobu in Gobu in 951, it was left in ruins. The Annamdohobu in Gobu was dismantled in 1019 and the Youngju-castle in Gobu was reconstructed and used as Chiso-castle.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 後百濟의 全州, 定都인가 遷都인가
 Ⅲ. 후백제 견훤정권의 서남해 해상권 장악력
 Ⅳ. 견훤정권의 고부 경영과 해상교통
 Ⅴ. 고려정부하에서 고부세력의 정치적 동향
 Ⅵ. 맺음말
 <참고 문헌>


  • 송화섭 Song, Hwa-Seob. 전주대학교 행정대학원 글로컬창의학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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