

감귤 돌연변이 육종 현황 (2014년)


Current State of Citrus Mutation Breeding (2014)

김인중, 허지만, 고륜희, 장은정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We analysed the characteristics of about 8,700 fruits obtained from about 1,700 mutated branches. The result showed that the average of fruit weight was 117.1±50.9g, which is heavier than the weight of 2013 . The fruit shape index was in 0.8 to 0.9, which occupied 60.71% out of total fruits. The average of sweetness was 7.9±1.6˚Brix, which is lower than the sweetness of 2013. The average of acidity was 0.77±0.3% similar to the acidity of 2013. Sweetness/acidity ratio of most of mutant fruits showed 9 and more. We will further use genetic resources to select new cultivar of Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc. cv. Miyagawa-Wase) showing high quality.


 재료 및 방법
  (1) 실험재료
  (2) 과중 및 종ㆍ횡경 측정
  (3) 당산도 측정
 결과 및 고찰
  (1) 과중
  (2) 종경과 횡경
  (3) 당도와 산도
  (4) 당산비


  • 김인중 In-Jung Kim. 제주대학교 생명자원과학대학 생명공학부, 제주대학교 아열대농업생명과학연구소, 친환경농업연구소
  • 허지만 Ji-Man Heo. 제주대학교 생명자원과학대학 생명공학부
  • 고륜희 Ryun Hee Ko. 제주대학교 생명자원과학대학 생명공학부
  • 장은정 Eun Jeong Jang. 제주대학교 생명자원과학대학 생명공학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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