

해상풍력발전기용 레벨링 시스템의 충격 영향 해석


Impact Analysis of Leveling System for offshore Wind Turbine

양경택, 김찬구, 박명애

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is implemented the impact analysis of leveling system used to maintain the level of jacket structure in construction of jacket structure for wind turbine which widely used in offshore wind power. The major problem during the construction of offshore wind power is that a tower or bottom structure which are supporting structures of the generator are passing above the jacket, and it is necessary to maintain its leveling by accurately measuring the level of the jacket while constructing. Due to its purpose, the level of jacket is adjusted with the leveling system which operates hydraulically, but the leveling system inevitably exposed to the impact load during the pile drive. This study interpreted the influences of impact during the design or construction of the leveling system by considering the interaction between the ground and the jacket structures.


 1. 서 론
 2. 레벨링 시스템
 3. 레벨링 시스템의 충격해석
  3.1 입력하중의 산정
  3.2 자켓 구조물 및 지반의 모델링
  3.3 레벨링 시스템의 모델링
 4. 충격해석 결과
 5. 결 론


  • 양경택 Kyung-Taek Yang. Member, Dept. of Mechatronic Eng. of Daelim University College
  • 김찬구 Chan-Ku Kim. Taekyung Development Co, Ltd.
  • 박명애 Myung-Ae Park. Taekyung Development Co, Ltd.

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