

요쿄쿠(謡曲) 《한조(班女)》의 작품 세계와 부채


Art works world of Noh song ‘Hanjo’ and the Fan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study particularly focused on relevance with fan while analyzing art works world of ‘Hanjo’ that is a typical work of Zeami’s Noh. In this study, it was considered that ancient idiom of Ban jie yu greatly contributed to create general ambience of main character’s human figure and art work beyond a level of simply affecting art work title and the name of main character by ancient idiom of Ban jie yu. In addition, in ‘Hanjo’, ‘Wongahaeng’, a poem of Ban jie yu and classical poetry being borrowed from ancient idiom of Ban jie yu are quoted exquisitely and it depicts loneliness of a broken-hearted lady earnestly and elegantly. Human figure of Hanago, a main character appeared in ‘Hanjo’ and painful and solitary emotion that dominate overall mood of the art work get more thickened and plentiful as it is based on ancient idiom of Ban jie yu and ‘Wongahaeng’. From chapter 2, how main material called fan is interfaced with conclusion structure of happy ending called achievement of love was observed. First, by analyzing various texts of ‘Hanjo’, it was indicated that a byname called ‘Hanjo’ was not obtained after lover Shosho left but existed before. This shows that main female character has a deep relevance with fan natively and the writer grasped inherent temperament of Hanago as a female exorcist. in this relationship between Hanago and fan. When Hanago who became Monogurui danced with holding a fan at Tadasunomori being worshipped as a holy place of love, it is overlapped with an image of female exorcist who danced with holding a fan in a state of being possessed by a spirit. Happy ending achieved by Hanago is the very result of this incantation of fan in a space of religious belief.


本考は、世阿弥の恋の能である《班女》の作品世界を分析することにおいて、特に‘扇’との関連性に着目し、考察したものである。 日本文芸史において‘扇’は、恋のときめきと情熱、不安と別れなど、ラブストーリの様々な局面を描くのに重要な素材として用いられた。恋の能《班女》も、その文芸史の伝統線上に置かれていると言えよう。 一方、《班女》の曲名とシテのあだ名が、中国の班婕妤の故事からきたことは周知のことであるが、本考では班婕妤の故事とその「怨歌行」がシテの人物像と作品全体のムードを形成するのに深くかかわっていることを確認した。 なお、‘班女’というあだ名が、吉田少将と出会った以前から存在したことを考察し、シテの花子が原初的に扇と深い関連をもっている人物であることを指摘した。それから、長い間民間信仰の祭具として機能してきた扇が、《班女》においては糺の森という愛の空間と、物狂いとなった花子を通して、恋の成就というハッピーアンドを導いていることを論じた。


1. 들어가며
 2. 사랑의 문학과 부채
 3. 부채의 주술과 사랑의 성취
 4. 나오며


  • 김난주 Kim, NanJu. 단국대학교 교양교육대학 교양학부 연구전담 조교수. 노가쿠(能楽), 고전극.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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