



On the equivalent relation between the two letters Sino-Japanese Verb and the Chinese

牟世鍾, 鄭春実

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Sino-Japanese Verbs of [V+N]type can be used some section that relative the noun element or cannot it. In the case, but, the Chinese of [V+N]type can’t be usually used it. In the result, the equivalent words of [V+N]type are varied between the Sino-Japanese Verbs and the chinese. In the sentence with not an indirect object(the ni case) or a direct object(the wo case), Sino-Japanese Verb and the Chinese can be used same letters(alphabets). In the sentence with an indirect object(the に case) or a direct object(the wo case), however, Sino-Japanese verb and the Chinese cannot be used same letters. At a time like this, the Chinese system is had an independent structure is 「ba+something+VN」 type, which is the object before the verb. There are the verbs of [V+N] type in Chinese. one case can be used like a vocabulary, another case needs a kind of new noun ,which is an indirect object(the ni case) or a direct object(the wo case). The other case, it equals the Sino-Japanese Verb. The equivalent for the word is varied since the diverseness makes a start to the difference of the meaning and the grammar between two languages. That is, the Chinese language rarely gets the section in sentence , the Japanese language has a unique sentence structure and the letters of Sino-Japanese are not always same the china alphabets. I think to needs the study is some inconsistency between the Sino-Japanese Verb systems of [V+N] type and its grammar. Accordingly I should study the point later.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究の検討
 3. 「動詞+名詞」構造の漢語動詞と中国語
  3.1 対応するもの
  3.2 対応しないもの
 4. おわりに


  • 牟世鍾 모세종. 仁荷大学校 日本言語文化学科 教授 日本語学
  • 鄭春実 정춘실. 仁荷大学校 日語日本学科 博士課程 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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