

「知られる」が用いられている有情物主語受身文の 構文タイプ - 「V-られる」の構文的な形との関連性に注目して-


Syntactic sentence types in passive sentence shirareru -On correlation between syntactic sentence types and morphological properties of V-rareru -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper attempts to consider syntactic sentence types in passive sentence shirareru, focus on correlation between structure types and morphological properties of passive verb. We classify types of passive sentence shirareru as A to C, and analyze properties of complement which has relevance to subject and features of agent.  A① [hito-ga hito-ni N-wo shir-areru]   B [hito-ga hito-ni ∼to shir-areru]  A② [hito-ga hito-ni N-wo shir-areru]:[kao-wo shir-areru][sonjai-wo shir-areru]  C [hito-ga hito-ni ∼toshite/to shir-areru] A② and C are events by many unspecified people, it represents characterization of subject, meanwhile A① and B represents affectivity of subject from event. A① and C have different characteristics on morphological properties of V-rareru, specifically in type of modality and aspect that frequently appears. There are differences between these two types in grammatical functions. When shirareru appears in renyoke, they have differences in the contents of the main clause. Main clause of A① indicates undesirable condition for subject, whereas C indicates neutral description of subject. In rentaike, they have dissimilar features in semantic relation between modified noun and modifier clause. In shusike, A① collocates with modality frequently, while C appears frequently in the form of shir-are-teiru, or shir-rareru.


1. はじめに
 2. 分析方法および考察対象
 3. 先行研究および本稿の位置づけ
  3.1. 「属性叙述受動文」に関する先行研究
  3.2. 本稿の位置づけ
 4. 「知られる」が用いられている受身文の構文別特徴
  4.1. A. 【人は人にNを知られる】「太郎は嘘をついたことを花子に/誰にも知られたくなかった。」「太郎は多くの人に顔を知られている。」
  4.2. B. 【人は人に〜と知られる】「太郎は花子に/誰にも手術を受けると知られたくなかった。」
  4.3. C. 【人は(人に)Nとして/と知られる】「太郎はすぐれた探検家として知られている。」
 5. 構文別「V-られる」の形および文法的な機能の特徴
 6. おわりに


  • 金俸呈 김봉정. 釜山大学校 日本研究所 研究員, 現代日本語の文法


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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