

ColloGram : A Collocation Family Analysis Program




The analyses of collocations in the existing collocation programs have often been based on the repetition of ‘N-gram’ patterns rather than a specific collocation list. In comparison, ColloGram bases its analysis on a collocation list from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) (1990-2015), a 5 hundred-million-word corpus. For the development of ColloGram, the corpus compiled during the period of 1990-2009 (a 4 hundred- million-word corpus), which became available in 2014 to the public, was utilized for the program. ColloGram is a collocation analysis program named from the compound, Collocation and N-gram or Program. The functions of this program benchmarked those of the RANGE, the vocabulary analysis program, by Heatley and Nation (2002).


  • Dongkwang Shin Gwangju National Univ. of Education
  • Yuah Chon Hanyang Univ.
  • Shinwoong Lee Hanyang Univ.
  • Myongsu Park Sangmyung Univ.


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